Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are times actaully changing?

For a while I was thinking that what inevitably expects us is a slow decades-long decline into multiculturalist hell. I can't say I was really happy about witnessing the death of our civilization, but the motion seemed to be overpowering.

And then came Donald Trump. And not just Donald Trump. It was Marine Le Pen in France, it was the comback of PEGIDA in Germany, and just a general feeling that the society we know and have known for the last 48 years is crumbling like a house of cards.

The Overton window seems to have shifted in less than a year. What have been unspeakable thoughts of racist and hate became qute legitimate and mainstream concerns. What has been a taboo subject became common knowledge. The thing about taboo subjects turning into common knowledge is, it happens without anyone expecting. As you can see from the link I provided, it's not mentioned at all (in a perfect world, of course) until every last person in the world becomes aware not just of its existence, but also becomes aware that everyone else is as well.

WTF is going on? Am I the only blue-eyed islander?

Would it have happened without Donald Trump? Most likely, but most probably not so fast. The charade may have even lasted for several more years - long enough for our countries to be overwhelmed by invaders beyond help. Therefore I believe I won't make an exaggeration when I say he may well have become the savior of western civilization, especially if he wins the election. Let's just hope it will be Hillary who will pit against him, because I'm afraid Sanders might actually do better than her, regardless of his program being more or less an economic lunacy.

Is this a turning point, or just a temporary halt in the overall decline? At this point, it's impossible to say. But either way, the lack of emperor's clothes has finally been publicly announced, and the movement is gaining strength. Once the pendulum starts swinging the other way, it becomes practically unstoppable. Which sounds great now, but leads me to a different concern...

I was just watching this video and it's becoming obvious people are starting to fight back. Now, the problem is, they're starting to fight back only after our countries have been invaded by hostile migrants, in some of which they make up near 50% of the youth population. If that's not a recipe for disaster I don't know what is.

In other words, what we have now, throughout the whole west, is the perfect setting for a religious or ethnic civil war. Two or more large populations crammed in one territory usually results in open hostility on the streets at best (what we're starting to see more and more of nowadays) and bloody wars, ethnic cleansing, and massacres at worst.

What would be the best solution? The best solution would be to cut welfare spending, break a few eggs and ban Islam, deport all migrants to where they came from, and ultimately, stop meddling in the affairs of their countries. Which was the primary reason why they all came here in the first place.

Will that solution be undertaken? If peope like Trump win popular support all over, maybe it will. More likely, we'll all just wait for their numbers to become a real and serious danger to the state, and then end up in a bloody civil war, with massacres, concentration camps, and all that fun stuff that follows. And with that, of course, comes a police state and pretty much end of all personal liberties.

This is a rare time where we still have the opportunity to choose a less painful way to solve all the mess our parents have left us piling up ever since the era of the hippies. Will we be up to the task? I hope.

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